Parser JSON untuk Blogger · Tahun Awal dan Tahun Akhir
var url = '';
// Function to load a `<script>` tag without `document.write`
function load(url) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = url;
// Get the first and last post year…
function getFirstAndLastYear($) {
$ = $.feed || {};
var entry = $.entry || [],
range = {};
// Get the first post year from `json.feed.entry[i].published.$t` value
range[0] = entry[0] && +entry[0].published.$t.split('-')[0] || false;
// Get the last post year from `json.feed.updated.$t` value
range[1] = +$.updated.$t.split('-')[0];
// [3]. Result will be available in the `range` variable as `[from, to]` format
// You can now do stuff using the `range` variable start from here
document.getElementById('blog-history').innerHTML = '\u00A9 Copyright ' + range[0] + ' \u2013 ' + range[1];
// Get the total posts…
function getTotalPosts($) {
$ = $.feed || {};
var i = $.openSearch$totalResults.$t,
entry = $.entry || [];
// [2]. Get the first and last post year…
// Use the `max-results` and `start-index` parameter to limit the posts
load(url + 'getFirstAndLastYear&max-results=1&start-index=' + i);
// [1]. Get the total posts…
load(url + 'getTotalPosts&max-results=0');
Mas tolong kedepan banyakin tetang JSON blogger ya mas. Btw kalo bisa yang serba pure javascript. Karena saya selalu terhambat sama masalah di Internet Explorer 10 kebawah.
1 Komentar
Muhammad Nur Fuad
Mas tolong kedepan banyakin tetang JSON blogger ya mas. Btw kalo bisa yang serba pure javascript. Karena saya selalu terhambat sama masalah di Internet Explorer 10 kebawah.