Tabel Konten
Maybe this will be a controversial experiment, because plagiarism the other sites are strictly prohibited. That's a violation of copyright. Therefore, I'm not going to make this experiment as a work that can be downloaded. I hope you can understand about that, because I really appreciate of copyright.
I was originally wanted to implement an accordion effect on the sidebar, but after I tried it was so hard, so for now this is how it is. No accordion. Only a bit loading effect:
To prevent the abuse of copyright, this experiment not allowed to download.
Looking Through IE8
As usual...
Here's the original: jsfiddle.net
3 Komentar
Yang ini paling keren ! :D
:D hebat. tapi boleh nanya ngakk ? gimana cara buat demo page di google code ?
Taufik Nurrohman
@Agust Nurfa [iframe]http://www.youtube.com/embed/DYcEm2KCSeM[/iframe]
Telusuri kata kunci: Google Project Subversion Repository ⇒ https://www.google.com/search?q=google+project+hosting+subversion+guide